You spoke, and John Deere answered with the 5 Series Utility Tractors, a line of predictably versatile, operator-friendly utility tractors ready for all the heavier-duty chores around your home or farm. This newest line of Utility Tractors is getting the job done, despite life’s unpredictable chores and challenges.
The new 5 Series Utility tractors combine all the best features you know and love from Deere with horsepower ranging from 50 to 128 with excellent options for any rural property owner.
John Deere starts by connecting consumers to the needs of their machine with JDLink. Remote diagnostic by John Deere technicians, routine maintenance notifications, and troubleshooting are available at the touch of a finger. Whether its remotely checking fuel levels, equipment locations, or checking performance records, JDLink has consumers covered. Plus, the 5M Series Tractors require no engine regen!
“Across the entire 5 Series lineup, customers now have more choices to find a tractor that meets their needs and budget and to customize configurations to match the jobs they need to finish. If this is their first tractor, routine service and maintenance notifications provide customers with added confidence while being connected to their tractor via the TractorPlus™ App,” says Greg Christensen, marketing manager for John Deere.
The 5M Series Tractors offer operators comfort and convenience that would motivate any user to hit the dirt. Boasting options such as a Premium Cab and adjustable air ride seats, Bluetooth® radio, USB port, and cab microphones, make hands-free communication a cinch.
John Deere brought you AutoTrac™ with the 2022 models, and 2023 continues to provide this feature. Helping you with weekend chores, road work, or part-time farmers and ranchers who need to bale, feed, and more, the 5M Series has multiple transmission and horsepower options.

For farmers, the 5M now has a bar-axle and cast wheel option for customers who are looking to reduce crop damage and increase stability, including the ability to add duals.
The 5M Series Tractors are a ready-made tool for getting the work done so that you can get back to what matters more.

» Related: Technology in ag: John Deere reveals fully autonomous 8R tractor
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