We are happy to announce that we have developed a brand new product for your garden. Combining the power of EM and a Fish Hydrolysate to give your garden the biological boost and all of the nutrients and trace elements it needs to thrive. This new product called EM Garden Boost has been designed to add both beneficial biology and nutrients to your soil and plants. Certified Organic, EM Garden boost contains Fish Hydrolysate + Effective Microorganisms (EM) and has an NPK of: 1.54 – 1.12 – 0.14. Additionally EM Garden Boost contains a full range of trace minerals and enzymes to enhance growth, ripening, soil fertility and plant and disease protection in your garden. This natural product combines macro nutrients and trace elements, a soil feeder and conditioner and the power of EM to give you the most versatile product on the market.
This unique product gives you peace of mind that you will be feeding your soils and plants and at the same time enhancing your soil biology to ensure a healthy garden and protect from unwanted diseases. Biologically active soils have the ability to retain moisture and release nutrients ensuring greater production, faster rotation and increased bounce back from stress. This product can also be used alongside our popular EM1 Garden product to further enhance the whole natural environment of your garden and lawn.
EM Garden Boost is a:
- Complete, all-purpose garden feeder with a boost of beneficial microbes
- Blend of Fish Hydrolysate and EM (Effective Microorganisms)
- Soil and plant feeder
- Microbial stimulant and fertility enhancer
- Natural non toxic product to help your lawn and garden
- BioGro certified organic product
Applications of EM Garden Boost
Garden Treatment: Use at 1% with water and thoroughly drench treatment area
Lawn: Apply the EM with a hose-end sprayer, backpack sprayer, or inject into irrigation system about every 10 days throughout the growing season.
Foliar Spray: Add to spray bottle at 1% and spray foliage thoroughly
Repeat at intervals of 1 to 3 weeks during the growing season
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