EM Plant Stimulant is a cost-effective yield builder for all crop production (fruit, vegetables and cereals). This unique formulation includes major plant growth enhancers boosted with EM and Fulvic Acid to further enhance plant uptake. Application of this formula is designed to increase cell division rates which leads to production of larger root and shoot mass. When sprayed on plants during growth periods, it activates secondary messengers leading to enhanced response in plants that can increase the brix level in fruit. EM Plant Stimulant also increases mineral uptake from the soil, increases leaf permeability to water and foliar nutrition and enhances plant photosynthetic rate.
Using EM Plant Stimulant can:
- Boost Photosynthesis
- Support hormone production in plants
- Increase Yields Enhance clover growth
- Stimulate Plant Physiological Response Lift Brix
- Increase Leaf Area
- Improve Plant Quality
Five Major Growth Hormones and Stimulants, EM, Fulvic Acid and Fermentation Extracts.
Trial data
The first graph above was from our cereal trial. This trial was independently run by a Lincoln University Student and Harvested by Cropmark. It was replicated five times and showed that EM Plant Stimulant had a significant effect at enhancing the yield of Wheat. EM Plant Stimulant increased the yield by 12% or 1.23 tonne and over $490 profit per ha. For more information on this trial visit EMNZ Cereal Trial - 2020/2021.
Prior to the field trial we set out to design growth trials to show the effect EM Plant Stimulant would have on a Brassica crop. We planted and germinated forage rape seeds and after 6 weeks they were treated with a dose of 1L per ha of EM Plant Stimulant. They were treated for a second time 14 days later. The results showed that using EM Plant Stimulant rapidly increased shoot height and most importantly weight over the control. The dry weight of treatments showed that EM increased dry matter by 38%.
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