EM improves yield firstly through effective organic matter recycling which builds humus, the food for your soil and plants. It will also enhance fertiliser and nutrient breakdown in the soil and uptake by plants, will give improvements in nitrogen fixation and stimulate micorrhyzal activity.
This creates better growing conditions and this leads to a stronger healthier plant. Secondly EM provides competitive exclusion, which means that it out-competes pathogens for space, by inoculating the leaf surfaces with beneficial microbes allowing crops to thrive and reach their growing potential.
Using EM improves soil health by stimulating and feeding native microbial life in the soil which creates a higher yielding crop.
Enhancing Fertiliser Inputs
In addition the microbes in EM will solubilise compounds both organic and inorganic that are largely unavailable to plants and make them available for uptake by the plants root system allowing the plant to put more energy into growth. In performing this important function the Microbes create a more efficient use of added nutrients, generating a better growth response from fertiliser inputs.
Fopr more information visit EMNZ Fertiliser Trials
Lowering Fertiliser Inputs
By performing the above important functions EM allows farmers to lower fertiliser inputs therefore decreasing their overall fertiliser costs. Contact EMNZ for more information.
Supporting Information
Improved yields in Maize Crops -
Influence of effective microorganisms (EM) on vegetable production
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