The main problem faced by farmers in the dairy industry is the unavailability of proper selling price for milk when they sell milk to private dairies. Many farmers, with many hopes of investing lakhs on top breed buffaloes, are turning to face the losses caused by old-fashioned trends in management. In this context, the business principles followed by some for the development of dairy in the business model are contributing to the profitability of animal husbandry. Let’s check out How this farmer made 1 lakh per month from his dairy farm.

Advantages of dairy farming
Currently, the milk manufacturing sector is the most sought-after industry on the planet. In the market, milk and milk products are in high demand. The biggest advantage of starting a commercial dairy cow farming business is this. Milk and its products will never be in short supply since both vegetarians and non-vegetarians will consume it.
You won’t have to bother about promoting the items because it’s a typical firm, which means you’ll be able to sell them quickly. It is an environmentally friendly company. Instead of using workers, you may improve dairy output through technology. The most profit may be made by properly planning, managing, and caring for your animals. As a result, you will have an excellent source of revenue.
How this farmer made 1 lakh per month from his dairy farm
Success story of Mr. K. Srinivas Rao
The dairy in Konijarla Mandal, Khammam district, with a total of 45 cattle including calves, the dairy has 25 buffaloes and 5 dairy cows. By producing an average of 150 liters of milk per day, they are making a net profit of Rs 90,000 per month at a rate of Rs 3,000 per day of all expenses. Srinivas Rao, a farmer who has had bitter experiences with sheep farming in the past, took those losses as a lesson and started the dairy fifteen months ago with a rigid plan.
On a quarter of an acre, two sheds, as well as livestock infrastructure, are set up and the milk is sold under its own brand name, “Natural Milk”. With a price of Rs 70 per liter of milk, good results are coming. Let us know the details of this story.
Construction of shed for buffaloes and cows
The shed used by Mr. Srinivas, is 55 feet in length and 40 feet wide. He allotted 4 feet in width and 7.5 feet in length per animal while preparing his shed. This proper allotment makes the cows in his shed move freely, this free space also contributes to a stress-free environment for buffaloes and cows.
This in turn helps us by making buffaloes produce a high amount of milk. In past, he used to rear other cattle in this shed. At the start of his dairy farming, he remodeled the entire shed to fit the needs of his buffaloes. There is also a separate small shed for calves. They also constructed feeders of 1 ½ foot for supplying fodder and drinking water.
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Choosing the breed of buffaloes and cows
Most animals in the cattle are of Murrah breed and have the best characteristics of the breed, also some animals belong to the HF (Holstein Friesian) breed. The Murrah breed is popular among many states and it can produce at least 8 liters of milk daily, which means in its pregnancy period it can give at least 2,400 liters of milk. The HF breed can produce a minimum of 12.5 liters per day.
Mr. Srinivas Rao says, per day his dairy can produce nearly 180-200 liters of milk. He is rearing 5 HF cows separately for anyone who wants cow milk on that day, if not this cow milk is directly sold to private dairies on the same day. For high profits, you must be careful while selecting the breed. You should select high milk-yielding cattle for better profits. This is one of the important suggestions Mr. Srinivas gave us.
Feed management for animals
For a total of 45 animals, almost 5 acres of fodder is needed. So, he is cultivating Super Napier grass over 5 acres of his own land for fodder purposes. Mr. Srinivas says that, considering current markets of everything that a dairy farm needs and for producing higher profits, he suggests farmers choose Super Napier cattle feed. He says it is rich in nutrients and can be available at an affordable cost. Super Napier grass can grow very fast and can be easily harvested, says Mr. Srinivas.
After cutting this grass you should not immediately load it and supply it, instead, you have to let it dry for 2 days. this can help grass in reducing water content and improving dry matter in the grass, which can have a positive effect on milk yield. This grass is harvested by the workers daily and they supply it as feed to the buffaloes. Also when it comes to feeding most people think that they can buy feed directly from the market for a low price, rather than cultivating it.
From his experience, Mr. Srinivas added that, if you want higher milk production and milk that is rich in nutrients, you should prefer cultivating your own fodder. Even though at the start it can cost a little bit high than buying fodder from the market, eventually you will need low investment for growing fodder and also the milk quality will be rich and the production will be high. You can also include chopped cotton plant remains in the Super Napier fodder, which is generally given in the morning.
This cotton plant remains is available after harvesting cotton from plants. You can gather this for free or maybe buy it at a very little cost since it is available with farmers that produce cotton. They don’t have any need for it. So in most cases, if you know them, they may give it for free. This helps in increasing the dry content in the grass so buffaloes and cows can eat it with ease. Remember buffaloes and cows choose dry fodder over green fodder.
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In his dairy farm, they need nearly 35 kgs of green fodder and 8 kgs of dry fodder. They include a mixture of finely chopped cotton plant remains, cornflour, coconut flour, paddy, urad bean flour in proper proportions for the grain feed of buffaloes. you need to give cattle a proper quality of this grain mixture, if not these animals may develop health issues and the milk they produce might smell bad. It is best to create your own mixture of these grains, as market-bought grain feed has many chances of being poor in quality.
It might cost a little high for producing your own mixture, but the animal’s health should be given the top priority for producing a high yield of milk, he added. On his dairy farm, they give 1 kg of grain feed for every 2 liters of milk they produce per day. Also in this grain mixture, the workers of Mr. Srinivas add 50 ml of calcium and 50 grams of mineral mixture that is store-bought. They also developed a weekly fodder, which contains 5-6 kgs of jaggery and 0.5 kgs of eating soda mixed in the grain feed which is sufficient for 30 buffaloes in his dairy farm.
This helps cows and buffaloes to develop fast and grow healthy and strong which in turn helps us to give more milk yield. He is also working on replacing dry fodder with dry maize remains, which is available after harvesting maize crops. This was suggested by a veterinarian, and can help cows and buffaloes in his farm grow healthier since it is rich in nutrients than normal dry fodder.
The fodder and drinking water for animals are given in the constructed feeders according to a proper feeding schedule. First, the grass that we grow is given to them as feed, then we supply them with grain feed which makes them want to drink water. Then we provide water in the same feeders. After the feeding process, the feeders are cleaned and the extra water is drained through the pipes.
Cleaning the feeders daily is a must since there is a high chance of bacteria attacking your feeders if you don’t. Mr.Srinivas said he needs nearly 50-60 trucks of manure yearly for growing super napier grass in his 5-acre land. This manure costs nearly 1000-2000 rupees per truck, which means on average he spent 60,000 rupees on manure per year for fodder cultivation.
Rearing of buffaloes and cows in his dairy farm
For getting successful in this business we need to have cattle, that give a minimum of above 14 liters of milk per day. This is because, most people depend on workers for rearing their cattle, in this system the worker is charged according to the number of cattle present. If you have cattle, that produce only 7 or 8 liters per day, then obviously you will not love the income you get in this business.
Workers wake up at 2:30 in the morning to clean the cow dung in the shed. At nearly 3:30 am they provide grain feed to buffaloes and cows. From 3:30 to 4:30 am they collect milk from buffaloes. The same schedule repeats in the afternoon too from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm. They’ve to be kept under observation since the schedule must be strictly followed.
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The major chance of failures while rearing a cow is them, attaining lactation period. Most animals in dairy farming take time to get mature and pregnant, this delays their lactation period. We get milk when the cow or buffalo undergoes a lactation period. The cows should be observed and maintained with proper care from the day of their birth. A proper feed management schedule should be maintained in order for them to get mature early.
You should always consult a veterinarian, in case you observe any strange situations while the growth and lactation period. You can also maintain regular checkups for animals with the help of a local veterinarian, in order to prevent any diseases or medical emergencies for animals. You can also consult them for vaccinations. Mr. Srinivas has separated cattle into two sheds, one of the milk-giving animals and the other is for calves and bull.
This male buffalo is released daily into the shed of milk-giving animals since it takes care if any buffalo comes to maturity or is in need of some heat. Using milking machines is also advised. Calves should not be neglected. In many cases workers neglect taking care of calves, since they don’t give milk. You should free them most of the time and should give fed in proper proportions. Calves should never undergo any stress-free environment and hunger issues.
Workers should be supervised, possibly, under proper management in order to overcome this issue. The wastewater we drain after cleaning the feeders can act as a very important rich nutrient source for cultivating the land. Mr. Srinivas supplies this wastewater to his nearby field, helping the crops in his land to grow better. Daily at 4:30 in the morning and in the evening, the milking process gets finished, and after this, the milk is packaged and sent to the local counters for selling.
Marketing and profits of Mr. K. Srinivas Rao
He said he bought animals from Karnal district of Haryana state after thorough checking. Including transportation, he spent 1,30,000 rupees per animal. He said the animals used to give an average of 14 liters of milk daily in Haryana but when they are transported here they started giving 11-11.5 liters of milk per day. At the start, he said he used to sell milk for his village dairy, which is not advisable. There is a high chance of causing fewer profits if you sell the milk to the private diaries, he added.
When he observed this he started his own milk production brand named “Natural Milk” and started selling a milk packet at rupees 70 per packet, with his own packing and own counters at his village. There are fewer chances of occurring losses in this business, and that too if you experience any loss then it is probably because of your inability of selling your milk properly at a correct price.
Currently, there are two workers working under him and he said they are taking proper care of the shed. He spends nearly 2 lakhs per year on workers. As he sells this milk in milk packets under his own brand name, he charges 70 rupees per packet. His dairy farm produces nearly 100 liters of buffalo milk and 40 liters of cow milk daily. From selling these 100 liters in packets his daily income is nearly 8000 to 10000 rupees.
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In this labor charges alone takes 2,500 rupees and feed cost takes 2000 rupees and another 500 rupees on miscellaneous charges. So if we calculate the profit now, Mr. Srinivas Rao earns around 1,20,000 rupees as profit per month, which is a lot for any cattle farmer. He also advises youth and other farmers to enter into this business since it costs as it has less chance for losses.
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