Views are being sought on plans to designate parts of the Yorkshire Wolds an area of outstanding natural beauty (AONB).
Natural England is encouraging farmers and local people to get involved via a new website for the project, a series of face-to-face drop-in sessions, webinars and by downloading and using an app.
Paul Duncan, area manager for Natural England, said AONB designation could see the landscape protected and draw in investment, so local knowledge is needed to help assess suitability across the draft candidate area.
See also: Natural England announces plans for new protected areas
“We want to know what people think about the natural beauty of the landscape; its condition, natural and cultural heritage, scenic qualities, relative wildness and tranquility.
“Our assessments will help Natural England’s board decide whether to designate a new Yorkshire Wolds AONB.”
There will also be a statutory consultation, expected to take place in 2023, before a decision can be made and finally confirmed by Defra.
Only once a decision has been taken to go ahead with designation will a detailed boundary be developed.
Benefits of designation
The government believes that designation could bring benefits for the area, including boosting nature recovery, attracting additional funding to help manage the area, raising awareness of what is important about the Wolds and safeguarding the landscape.
Drop-in sessions on the proposal are being held around the region – in Bridlington, Flamborough and Malton on 9 and 10 June and in other areas in the week of 27 June.
More information will be available on the website once the venues have been confirmed.
Online webinars have also been planned for the weeks commencing 13 June and 27 June.