The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will offer a Farm/Ranch Business Entities and Estate Planning event on Oct. 19 in the Silverton Library, 405 Broadway in Silverton, for anyone who wants to attend.

The program will begin with registration at 10:30 a.m., followed by the program from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch will be served.
Those planning to attend should register online at or contact the AgriLife Extension office at Briscoe@ag.tamu.eduor 806-823-2521.
Tiffany Lashmet, J.D., AgriLife Extension agricultural law specialist, Amarillo, will be the presenter.
“Tiffany’s depth of knowledge in this area is worth driving a good distance to receive this education,” said Mason Carter, agriculture and natural resources agent, who recently transferred from Briscoe County to Oldham County. “Her estate planning seminar presentations are some of the most sought after, and we want to invite everyone from the surrounding region to attend.”
On the agenda
Lashmet said estate and business succession planning is one of the most important things any farmer, rancher or rural landowner can do, although the statistics indicate many simply aren’t doing it.
Her two topics will be:
— Farm/Ranch Business Entities – Private Ownership, LLC or Trust
— Estate Planning – Preparing for the Unexpected
For more information, contact the AgriLife Extension office in Briscoe County at 806-823-2521.
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