This trial was designed to determine the effectiveness of EM treatments against UAN and an untreated control on Fodder Beet, at Bell’s Farm, Burnham.
Method and Materials
- Crop type and cultivar: Fodder Beet, Geronimo
- Sowing date: Early Sept 2020
- Sowing Rate: 100,000 seeds/ha
- Paddock History: Pasture 2016 (4yrs)
- Date of treatment application: A applied on 27th November 2020, B applied on 22nd December (see Table 1).
- Harvest date: 28/05/2021
- Treatments = 10
- Replicates = 6
Application: Treatments applied via watering can at 4 leaf growth stage (A) and at canopy closure stage (B). Below active rates applied to a 3L volume (addition of water) per plot.
Basal Fertilizers applied to paddock: (applied in various forms), N= 69 kg/ha, K= 75kg/ha, B= 2.1 kg/ha N Post emergence 12/11/20 =Urea @150kg/ha plus MOP 150kg/ha and Boron 15kg/ha
Sampling technique/measurements: Harvested 2* 10 bulbs with leaves per plot (total of 20 bulbs) Obtain DM yield of bulbs and leaves. Separate leaves from bulbs on subsample and calculate leaf to root ratio.
Fodder beet yield comparing the response of various foliar treatments against a control
- The control treatment was clearly the lowest yield, significantly lower (LSD5) than all treatments.
- The addition of supplement EM Amino to UAN gave a significant advantage over UAN alone (at the same number of units) and performed higher than the UAN treatment with the highest units of Nitrogen.
- EM foliar products EM Amino and EM Foliar Enhance performed well against the UAN products
- EM enhancing N
Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Paddy Bell for allowing us to use the site for this trial
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