Abstract: EM Plant Stimulant is a cost-effective yield builder for all crop production (fruit, vegetables and cereals). This unique formulation includes major plant growth enhancers boosted with EM and Fulvic Acid to further enhance plant uptake and boost crop yields. In a trial on the foothills of the Canterbury plains, EM Plant Stimulant alongside EM Soil and Crop increased whole crop barley by 33% and 51% compared to the control. This increase in yield represents an additional return of $288 and $403/ha respectively.
Trial details
Location: Glenroy, this lease farm was growing whole crop barley for silage. Two 4.5 ha paddocks were formed into the trial blocks with each paddock split into 3 sections of an unreplicated paddock scale trial. The 1st being the control and left untreated, the 2nd treated with 1L of EM Plant Stimulant and the 3rd Treated with EM Plant Stimulant at 1L/ha and EM Soil and Crop at 10L/ha. Each block was measured with 10 x randomised 1m2 samples taken weight and measured.
Notes from the field showed that the treated sections displayed an enhanced grain fill and taller stands.
The below table and graph are presented to show the comparison between a control and the two treatments.
Table 1: Crop Yield
The control treatment was clearly the lowest yield, significantly lower than both treatments - the EM Plant Stimulant and EM Soil and Crop treatment was the highest yielding treatment and were significantly greater than the control. An ANOVA test was conducted on the random samples and further supported this, producing a p-value less than 0.001. At an alpha of 0.05 we can confidently say that there is enough evidence to support the hypothesis that EM Plant Stimulant and EM Soil and Crop significantly increases the yield of barley.
This shows that EM Plant Stimulant can significantly improve the yield of cereal crops and that EM Soil and Crop can also boost yield.
Both treatments also increased crop profitability (see table below)
Table 2: Costs comparing treatments
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