The “Lighten Your Load” multi-county child care provider training will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct, 15 at the McKenna Events Center, 801 W. San Antonio Street, New Braunfels

This professional training is presented by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in partnership with the Texas Child Care Licensing portion of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, It is designed for child care providers, Head Start teachers, child care facility directors and others involved in the care of children.
A continental breakfast, potato bar lunch, snacks, water, tea and coffee will be provided.
AgriLife Extension offices participating in the training include those in Caldwell, Comal, Gonzales, Hays and Travis counties.
Five-and-a-half continuing education training clock hours will be earned through participation. Certificates will be given to each participant at the conclusion of the program, and participants must attend the entire training for credit to be given.
Registration information
The early registration fee postmarked by Sept. 26 is $50. The late registration fee after Sept. 30 is $70. Cash, check or cards will be accepted. Registration is also available by visiting the AgriLife Extension office in Comal County at 325 Resource Drive, New Braunfels. No on-site registrations will be available.
For late registration, call 830-620-3440 to check availability, as there are a limited number of slots available. Confirmation will be emailed upon receipt of a registration form and payment.
A continental breakfast, potato bar lunch, snacks, water, tea and coffee will be provided.
Five-and-a-half continuing education training clock hours will be earned through participation. Certificates will be given to each participant at the conclusion of the program, and participants must attend the entire training for credit to be given.
About the training
Albert Wright will be the keynote speaker for the training. A master trainer and author, Wright has been named one of the top 25 trainers in the nation by the National After School Association’s NAA17. He has more than 20 years of experience in the child care industry, having worked as a teacher in inner-city schools and with at-risk populations.
The program will have three main training topics:
— Embracing Change – As laws change regarding the governance of child care facilities and the classroom, the training looks at ways to evaluate and implement these changes into a facility.
“Often child care facility staff do not respond well to change, but this part of the training can provide them with some of the tools they need to help them embrace change,” said Jymann Davis, AgriLife Extension family and community health agent for Comal County and primary training program coordinator.
— A Deeper Look at Behavior Disorders – Behavior disorders can be difficult to deal with and even have child care givers questioning their abilities. This session will help participants discern potential problems early to provide remediation at an early age.
“Every center encounters children who have difficult behaviors, but some of these children may show signs of behavior disorders,” Davis said. “This part of the training will help in the identification of and possible responses to children who may have behavior disorders.”
— State Licensing Updates – Updates on state requirements for child care centers.
“Participants will not only learn about these important aspects of child care, they will also enjoy Mr. Wright’s energetic and fun training style,” Davis said.
For additional details or a registration form, contact Jymann Davis, Comal County, 830-620-3440 or
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