Benefits of Using EM to make Silage
It is easy to focus on the amazing benefits EM offers as a soil and plant inoculant and forget that it has many other uses that can be beneficial around the farm, garden or household. Using EM to make silage is one of the most beneficial of these applications.
EM contains lactic acid bacteria and yeast. This is a unique combination and allows for stabilisation and pre fermentation of the silage. The fermentation process helps to break down the plant matter into a more readily digestible form and which therefore means that more energy is available to the animals when compared to normal silage. Cows fed on this silage will produce extra milk and at the same time reduce the amount of supplementary compound feed required - therefore saving on costs and increasing income and at the same time improving the general health of the animal.
The Benefits
EM contains lactic acid bacteria and yeast. This is a unique combination and allows for stabilisation and pre fermentation of the silage.
It can be used in grass, maize and whole crop silages. There is therefore no need to source separate products for each application.
The yeast component of EM produces anaerobic metabolites that stop heating of the silage when it becomes exposed to air on feeding out.
It is non-toxic to operators and the environment and non-corrosive to equipment.
Healthier Stock and a higher per animal milk yield
How does making Silage with EM work?
The lactic acid bacteria ferment some of the sugars into lactic acid causing a decline in pH, which results in a more stable silage. The yeast component causes further fermentation to occur, enhancing the feed value of the silage.
Silage additives are most commonly used if ensiling conditions are not ideal. The use of acids and salts to drop the pH rapidly and stabilise the silage is most common in this scenario. EM will not only stabilise the silage and conserve feed energy, it will also enhance the feed energy in the silage. It is able to do this due to its unique bacteria and yeast composition.
The benefits of using EM to make silage are proven with over 5 years of in the field studies in Europe showing increased milk yields. For more information contact us.
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