ADAS offers tailored 1:1 advice on the transition to ELMS as part of its Future Farming Resilience Programme. It will also be announcing its YEN awards at the show.
AHDB is discussing practical ways to assess soil health using score cards and how to use the AHDB Nutrient Management Guide (RB209) which offers best practice guidance on the application of mineral fertilisers, manures and slurries.
Analytik is discussing its plant phenotyping solutions that support improved decision making, reducing input costs and environmental impacts.
Bayer Crop Science Fieldview is Bayer’s latest data capture solution, offering accessible and useable insights from crops and fields, it is currently offering a year’s free trial.
CHAP if you are interested in precision pesticide application and how tech can help then CHAP is talking about the Spraybot project
Cranfield University manages the National Soils Map and provides advice about improving soil carbon for soil health. Important insights ahead of ELMS.
Drone AG offers field mapping solutions; it is discussing new features of Skippy Scout that offer more in-depth insights in just 30 seconds.
Elsoms seed breeders are getting good results with tree seeds, improving their germination and establishment.
Hutchinsons are the people to go to if you are looking for a variable rate drill conversion kit, want advice on how to navigate new environmental legislation, manage Carbon, or use your nitrogen next season.
Metos UK is partnering with Ben Burgess to demonstrate its latest integrated digital crop protection solutions, that offer real-time decision around spraying and fertilising.
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