At EMNZ we love to work with community groups, local communities and schools to widen the awareness of EM and also give Kiwis a helping hand in growing great produce. It always gives a a huge boost when we here peoples stories about how EM has helped them.
One we received recently from Karin at Island Bay School was particularly satisfying. She wrote “We just wanted to let you know that EM1 is garden gold! Unfortunately, I am working with a very dilapidated, run down school garden where our soil is very poor. I applied two diluted doses of EM1 after planting my seedlings into our garden & our harvest has been magnificent. See attached photo of one of my students with his recently picked harvest!
I’ve been boasting about your product to everyone I know & will place another order soon for a bottle for my dad who is an amazing gardener - he’ll love it!”
As you can see from the images the resulting fresh veges look awesome and its great to see kids learning about where food comes from and getting their hands dirty producing it.
If you are a community or school touch base and we can give you advice on how best to use EM in your system. For more information on gardening with EM click here.
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